Personality & Potential Development

Personal development is about unfolding a person's potentials regarding their possible relations, behavior, emotions, perceptions, abilities. It may be focussed on professional or private topics - in any case, the person is seen in their entireness and specific foci are embedded in this entireness. So the development of e.g. leadership skills, relational skills, self-leading skills, decision-making, interpretation of roles, development of learning paths etc. is always connected to the entire person, their capabilities, their individuality, their integrity and authenticity.

In my work on personal development and unfolding of potentials, I focus on four connected levels:

  • the intrapersonal
    (what happens inside a person – which thoughts and cognitive patterns, which emotions, how does the person cope and relate with themselves?),
  • the interpersonal
    (what happens between people – how do people interact, communicate, escalate, collaborate; how do they relate with each other?),
  • the context - e.g.: the organisational context
    (how is a situation embedded in the structures, processes, strategies, networks and politics of an organisation; how can a person cope with them? Or, for those working on private relations: how is a situation embedded in family structure, in its history, and in its wider contexts like culture?)
  • the role
    (how is a role defined, in the sense of self and in the awareness of others? which definition authentically 'fits' and allows a person to thrive and develop? how can a person be enabled to fulfil their role? which responsibilities and impositions come with a certain role, which possibilities does it offer?)

The settings I offer to work on these topics consist of both 1-on-1 individual sessions and of group settings that allow several persons to grow and learn together. The combination of both settings allows the most intense experiences and processes to happen.

The effects reach far beyond what is usually expected of a 'coaching' or 'training' etc - approaching deeper levels and using high-impact methods allows to touch and transform not only skillsets, but also dimensions that are part of the personality itself: emotional patterns, relational patterns, cognitive patterns, patterns of relating with oneself. In these dimensions, personality-focussed work accelerates, enables, deepens development - but doesn't twist the person, does not build an artificial 'masc' around a persons uniqueness; on the contrary, it keeps, explores and unfolds a person's authenticity and essence, it allows the next steps of a person's journey of becoming more and more themselves.