Together with my clients, depending on the pre-agreed goals of collaboration, I work on their personal and professional topics and whose connectedness. Sometimes this means developing directly applicable strategies and skills for action, and sometimes it means focussing on deeply personal, relational, emotional topics.
Working in a group setting, I use a variety of methods that derive from both my consulting and my psychological background. In general, my group work has many characteristics of a 'laboratory' - a developmental laboratory, that allows insight, awareness, learning, growth. I follow one of two approaches:
The most important approach
is to work on very specific personal issues
individuals seek guidance for.
Individual clients choose concrete and specific situations in
which they want to proceed or expand their abilities; I provide
the methods, techniques and my professional expertise; and
together we examine the relevant dimensions of their situations
(intrapersonal, interpersonal, organisational, role) and
develop possibilities to learn, cope, act, succeed.
This approach of working means we invest into topics maximally
relevant to my clients and our work has a massive
impact on personal learning and development as on
practical usefulness.
Usually, in a group, we work on ca. 4-6 issues a day. It is a
reliable experience that all group members profit intensely of
the topics brought in by a sample of them.
The alternative approach is
to focus on selected and pre-defined topics.
On these topics, we work by means of action and interaction,
experiences and exercises, simulations and situations, dialogue
and exchange, personal reflection and feedback. This way,
topic-specific knowledge is personally connected and
embedded in action, transforming it into applied
knowledge and applicable skills.
Working on specific personal issues serves all levels of seniority. Working on pre-defined topics shifts the impact slightly more on 'skills' and can be a viable alternative e.g. in programs for talent circles.
Typical topics on which I work with talent circles (beyond 'mastering the basics', 'maps and toolboxes') are: